Run Boy Run 2013

Run Boy Run 2013

Run Boy Run 2013

Run Boy Run 2013
Lauf Junge lauf (original title)
12 | 1h 52min | Action, Drama, War


Srulik, an eight-year-old boy, flees from the Warsaw ghetto in 1942. He attempts to survive, at first alone in the forest, and then as a Christian orphan named Jurek on a Polish farm. Throughout his ordeal, his Jewish identity is in danger of being lost. The story is based on the bestseller by Uri Orlev.

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Klass 2007

Klass 2007

Klass 2007

Klass 2007
1h 39min | Drama | 16 March 2007 (Estonia)


Kaspar and the class pushover Joosep are 16 and life in high school isn’t easy. Without meaning to, Kaspar defends Joosep against the bullying of his classmates, but every time Kaspar tries to him, it backfires, with the class taking it out on Joosep. Kaspar just wants his friends, his girl and his unassuming life back. Joosep wants to regain his dignity and the chance to switch to a high school far away. But their classmates are relentless, going further and further with each incident.

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Mes petites amoureuses 1974

Mes petites amoureuses 1974

Mes Petites Amoureuses 1974

Mes Petites Amoureuses 1974
Mes petites amoureuses (original title)
2h 3min | Drama | 18 December 1974 (France)


A study of minor events in the adolescence of a boy growing up in small towns. Daniel lives with his grandmother and, after one year of high school, has to go to live with his mother in the south of France. She is a seamstress living in a tiny apartment with her lover Jose, a Spanish farm worker. Daniel would like to continue school, but his mother cannot afford it, so she sends him to work as an apprentice in a moped repair shop. Daniel wiles away his time in the shop, and learns about girls from the other boys in town. When he returns to visit his grandmother next year, it is obvious that he has grown up faster than his old friends.

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Le fils du requin 1993

The Son of the Shark 1993

The Son of the Shark 1993

Le fils du requin 1993
1h 30min | Crime, Drama | 24 November 1993 (France)


Brothers Martin and Simon, not yet teens, are incorrigible vandals; Martin runs away from reform school, Simon from foster homes, and they always find each other in a seacoast town of Lignan, where their destructive behavior is infamous. (It may date to their mother’s leaving the family.) Martin is philosophical, romantic, and poetic: he dreams of being the son of a shark; he holds tight to a book about goldfish his mother gave him. In both halting and wild ways, he tries to court Marie, a neighbor girl. Simon, with a pocketknife and an intractable will, seems more dangerous to others. What, on earth, is there for these children-becoming-men?

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Plyontek 1991

Plyontek 1991

Plyontek 1991

Plyontek 1991
1h 25min | Drama | 4 November 1991 (Bulgaria)


Plyontek, a boy with a weak constitution and traumatized psyche. Sent to a sanatorium where established rules among graduates, black pirate threats and combat establishes its rules. Plyontek gradually becomes ruler of a small kingdom of bitter and abused subjects. The circle is close to the emergence of the next willing to participant to fight evil.

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Welp 2014

Welp 2014

Welp 2014

Welp 2014
1h 24min | Adventure, Horror | 29 October 2014 (Belgium)


Sam, 12, is in trouble: his entire “Pathfinder” scout troop picks on him – and worse. The leader, Peter, is the worst of all. He seems to find a sadistic pleasure in humiliating Sam. This year’s trip is to a woods near the French border where a curious legend named Kai is said, around the campfire, to make mischief. But when Sam finds that Kai is no legend and that he makes more than mischief, no one believes him.

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