The Story of Me 2009

The Story of Me 2009

The Story of Me 2009

The Story of Me 2009
O Contador de Histórias (original title)
1h 40m | Drama | Release date: August 7, 2009 (Brazil)


O Contador de Histórias (The Story of Me), a Luiz Villaça;a movie based on the life of Roberto Carlos Ramos, is a story about how affection can change reality. The youngest of 10 brothers, Roberto showed a special talent to tell stories, by changing through narrative his own experiences about frustration into beautiful and touching fables. At age 6, the boy filled with imagination goes to live in a newly opened government institution, which main goal is to help young and poor children. His mother takes him there believing it will guarantee a better future for her child. But the reality of the institution is very different from what was advertised on TV. Roberto, little by little, loses hope. At age 13, after hundreds of escapes, he’s considered “irrecoverable”, in the words of the headmaster of the facility. However, Roberto proves to be a challenge to the French pedagogue Margherit, who comes to Brazil to work on a research. Determined to make the boy her object of study, she tries to get closer to him. At first, Roberto struggles, but after a traumatic experience, he looks for shelter in Margherit’s home. What comes out of it is a relationship based on friendship and tenderness, that will put Roberto’s disbelief in his future at check and will challenge Margherit to keep her beliefs.

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My Paper Dolls 2023

My Paper Dolls 2023

My Paper Dolls 2023

My Paper Dolls 2023
Le mie ragazze di carta (original title)
1h 41m | Comedy | Release date: July 13, 2023 (Italy)


The story takes place in Italy during the seventies. Tiberio is the son of a poor couple which decide to move out rural life to start a new life in the city due to new father’s job. Tiberio has difficulty to adapt this the new situation until he meets a boy who will be his friend. Thanks to him, he will discover for the first time Porno. This event will introduce Tiberio to puberty phase, and Tiberio start to develop an addiction that separate him from real life. Meanwhile his parents are struggling with the difficulty to adapt to their new lifestyle.

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Bekas 2012

Bekas 2012

Bekas 2012

Bekas 2012
1h 37m | Adventure, Drama | Release date: January 11, 2013 (United Kingdom)


Iraq in the early 1990 was a devastating land to survive in. When we think of Iraq, the first thing that tends to pop into our minds is the war and Saddam Hussein. But there is another side too – it is perhaps the most notorious country in the world and it goes by the name Kurdistan. Welcome to BEKAS. This is a story about two homeless brothers Zana (6) and Dana (10) who live on the edge of survival. In the beginning of the story they catch a glimpse of Superman through a hole in the wall at the local cinema. Zana and Dana decide that they want to go to America and live with Superman. Once they get there he can solve all their problems, make their lives easy and punish everyone that has been mean to them. Zana, the younger brother, starts to make a list of all people he is going to tell Superman to punish. On top of the list is Saddam Hussein. Dana on the other hand makes a concrete plan for what they need to get there; money, passports, transportation and a way to get across the border. Unfortunately they have neither of those. But in spite of everything they decide to follow the dream.

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Bad Boys 1961

Bad Boys 1961

Bad Boys 1961

Bad Boys 1961
Furyô shônen (original title)
1h 29m | Drama | Release date: March 29, 1961 (Japan)


Directed in documentary style about a number of delinquent boys in a reformatory, who were not given scripts and asked to simply be themselves, this movie focuses on the young men and their natural day-to-day. When the protagonist is released he has an opinion regarding the institution, which moulded him. The film is considered one of the first of the new wave movement of Japan and the winner of the Kinema Junpo Award.

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West Beyrouth 1998

West Beyrouth 1998

West Beyrouth 1998

West Beyrouth 1998
1h 45m | Comedy, Drama, Romance | Release date: October 30, 1998 (Norway)


In April, 1975, civil war breaks out; Beirut is partitioned along a Moslem-Christian line. Tarek is in high school, making Super 8 movies with his friend, Omar. At first the war is a lark: school has closed, the violence is fascinating, getting from West to East is a game. His mother wants to leave; his father refuses. Tarek spends time with May, a Christian, orphaned and living in his building. By accident, Tarek goes to an infamous brothel in the war-torn Olive Quarter, meeting its legendary madam, Oum Walid. He then takes Omar and May there using her underwear as a white flag for safe passage. Family tensions rise. As he comes of age, the war moves inexorably from adventure to tragedy.

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Language of Love 1969

Language of Love 1969

Language of Love 1969

Language of Love 1969
Ur kärlekens språk (original title)
1h 42m | Documentary, Drama | Release date: October 2, 1969 (Sweden)


A modern advanced film about sexual education an behaviour based on the clinical research made by famous American and Swedish doctors. The film centres around a panel; Inge and Sten Hegeler, Maj-Brith Bergstroem-Walan and Sture Cullhed, all well known, reputable experts, who have devoted their scientific studies to the various fields of sexual life. The film deals with all kinds of problems connected with the sexual relationship of people. Whilst every question is discussed by the panel., the film illustrates; the difference between male and female sexual organs and their functions, positions, and authentic coition whereby a split screen system is used enabling us to see the various reactions in different parts of the body. In connection with this as well as in other parts of the film, diagrams and animations are used to simplify the understanding of the complicated reactions which occur when a person is under sexual stimulus. The panel also discusses the role of sex in society, the question of prejudices and taboos, sex in clothes, sex in art, etc. etc.

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Love Syndrome: The Beginning 2024

Love Syndrome: The Beginning 2024

Love Syndrome: The Beginning 2024

Love Syndrome: The Beginning 2024
1h 30m | Drama, Romance | Release date: May 9, 2024 (Thailand)


Itt was raped by Day because Itt was the mastermind behind the plan that hurt Day’s younger brother Night. This plan was to trick Night into falling in love with Itt’sfriend, Gear who then raped him. Day discovered the plan after it happened and took his revenge by raping Itt and videotaping the rape as blackmail material. Whenever Itt said something that ‘Day’ didn’t like, he would verbally and physically beat and abuse him. Day used this videotape to blackmail Itt, and forced him to come and live with him.

They started to grow feelings for each other despite the extreme situation. Especially Itt who wanted Day to make his feelings clear. So he ran away with the help of Night. After this Day went crazy when he found out and realized how much he really liked Itt despite what he did to him. “The rapist can’t end up with his victim unless he does something to prove his love right?”

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Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023
1h 52m | Drama | Release date: November 24, 2023 (Taiwan)


This family drama is about an 11-year-old boy who befriends his landlord, nicknamed Old Fox, and learns from him how to survive in a rapidly changing world as well as things his poor father would never be able to teach him.

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