Hann 2018

Hann 2018

Hann 2018

Hann 2018
14m | Short, Drama | Release date: August 12, 2018 (Iceland)


A teenager like any other, Andri spends his time playing sports, learning to play the keyboard and hanging out with his friends. The exterior appearance is only that however, an appearance. His smile is forced, his laughter is rigid. He’s playing a role, a role passed on to him by society. As Andri’s desire for who he truly wants to be increases, the pressure builds.

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Jesus Loves Youssef 2011

Jesus Loves Youssef 2011

Jesus Loves Youssef 2011

Jesus Loves Youssef 2011
13m | Short, Comedy, Drama | 2011


Set in rural Lebanon, the heart of the Middle East, Jesus Loves Youssef is a bittersweet coming of age story of Youssef, a ten year old Maronite boy. A week before his First Communion, he discovers masturbation and with it, the concept of sin. He tries to negotiate his own deal with God while pressure mounts on him from all directions: his mother, brother, and the parish’s priest.

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Love Syndrome: The Beginning 2024

Love Syndrome: The Beginning 2024

Love Syndrome: The Beginning 2024

Love Syndrome: The Beginning 2024
1h 30m | Drama, Romance | Release date: May 9, 2024 (Thailand)


Itt was raped by Day because Itt was the mastermind behind the plan that hurt Day’s younger brother Night. This plan was to trick Night into falling in love with Itt’sfriend, Gear who then raped him. Day discovered the plan after it happened and took his revenge by raping Itt and videotaping the rape as blackmail material. Whenever Itt said something that ‘Day’ didn’t like, he would verbally and physically beat and abuse him. Day used this videotape to blackmail Itt, and forced him to come and live with him.

They started to grow feelings for each other despite the extreme situation. Especially Itt who wanted Day to make his feelings clear. So he ran away with the help of Night. After this Day went crazy when he found out and realized how much he really liked Itt despite what he did to him. “The rapist can’t end up with his victim unless he does something to prove his love right?”

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Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023
1h 52m | Drama | Release date: November 24, 2023 (Taiwan)


This family drama is about an 11-year-old boy who befriends his landlord, nicknamed Old Fox, and learns from him how to survive in a rapidly changing world as well as things his poor father would never be able to teach him.

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I am Urban 2015

I am Urban 2015

I am Urban 2015

I am Urban 2015
Urban and the Shed Crew (original title)
1h 38m | Drama | Release date: November 7, 2015 (United Kingdom)


Based on Bernard Hare’s Orwell-nominated memoir Urban and The Shed Crew. 11-year-old Urban’s been running away from care since he was 5 (6 care homes and 8 foster homes in 6 years); he’s Britain’s most runaway child…When he can’t find his mum, he sleeps rough on the streets, or in a shed with other runaways, The Shed Crew’. He’s never known a dad, just his mentally-ill addict mum Greta. So when she meets Chop, the first decent bloke they’ve ever known, Urban feels hope for the first time. For Chop, the once idealistic ex-social worker, it’s a chance of redemption. He takes in the broken family, helps Greta, teaches Urban and his brother Frank lessons in life. But the family’s new-found happiness is all too fleeting as Greta’s propensity to self-destruct proves too strong…leaving Urban to cope with the fallout the only way he knows.

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Crazy Love 1987

Crazy Love 1987

Crazy Love 1987

Crazy Love 1987
1h 30m | Drama | Release date: 1987 (Belgium)


Three ‘Bukowskian’ torrid nights in the life of a man in search of love. Harry, 12, is young and naive. Love, for him, is romantic love between princes and princesses demurely kissing each other on the mouth. His father is a hero who kidnapped his mother and married her on a lonely mountain peak – Later on, he’ll do the same. But Harry has a lot to learn. He also learns that there are handsome men and ugly ones, that love can be unfair. That one can find comfort in drinking – but above all he learns that man is capable of anything – absolutely anything. – to get his fair share of love.

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