Drag Kids 2019
Drag Kids 2019
1h 20m | Documentary | Release date: July 25, 2019 (Canada)
Feature length documentary of four preteens who enter the adult world of competitive drag queens.
Drag Kids 2019
Drag Kids 2019
1h 20m | Documentary | Release date: July 25, 2019 (Canada)
Feature length documentary of four preteens who enter the adult world of competitive drag queens.
Echt – unsere Jugend e01 (2023)
Echt – unsere Jugend e01 (2023)
1h | Documentary | Release date: November 23, 2023 (Germany)
“Echt – unsere Jugend” is a documentary on ARD Mediathek. It’s the story of Echt.
Mondo Magic 1975
Mondo Magic 1975
Magia nuda (original title)
1h 25m | Documentary | Release date: January 24, 1975 (Italy)
This film is about tribes in Africa and South America who turn toward magic as a means of survival and way of life. The Mundari tribe in Africa herd cattle but do not slaughter them for meat. They make use of the cattle urine as an insect repellent and shower underneath their cows. They also use the dung as a body covering to further thwart insects and pest. The cattle are so prized to the Mundari that they are treated as a member of the family and a number of Mundari are shown puffing into the cattle’s vagina to encourage an early birth. A hunt is then shown where the Mundari are able to bring down mighty Elephants and Giraffes with ease. Yet unlike sport hunters they hunt merely for survival and pay respect to the beast before eating them. The Dinka tribe is another group who praise their cattle but they bleed the cows and mix it in their milk to help sustain tribes during periods of hunger. They also migrate to different areas along the Nile as to not over consume their pastures. The camera then moves to the South American continent where The Yanawana people are shown in their full glory. They sleep in simple hammocks and allow their dogs every freedom. One woman is even shown suckling a puppy along with her own child. Hunters prepare to catch their meal and a feast of spiders, crab and tapir is enjoyed by all. The Yanawana hold a gathering each year where the shamans drink a mixture of the crushed skulls of their dead shamans to transfer the soul and release it to the heavens. Psychic healers in the Philippines are shown next, they appear to do surgery without leaving scars and impress those around them. Christians are then shown self inflicting wounds as a form of penance to their saints. The cameras move back to Africa where children in Ethiopia have their Uvula removed for no real reason known to us. An Arab woman takes her daughter to a woman called a Marabou and has her checked to insure she is still pure, others use her services to heal themselves with holy messages from the Koran. The final scene has a tribe which takes woman and uses them as fertility gods, they help insure fertility and a big family.
Keep The River On Your Right 2000
Keep The River On Your Right 2000
Keep the River on Your Right: A Modern Cannibal Tale (original title)
1h 33m | Documentary, Adventure, Romance | Release date: April 15, 2000 (United States)
In 1955, while a Fulbright scholar, a Manhattan painter named Tobias Schneebaum spent seven months in the Amazon basin with the Harakambut. When he returned to the US, he could no longer paint. What happened? Nearly 45 years later, filmmakers want Tobias, now 78 and suffering from Parkinson’s, to return to Peru. He refuses but allows that he will revisit the Asmat in New Guinea where he spent an idyllic time years before. That trip goes well, including a serendipitous meeting with Aipit, an aging native and once Tobias’ friend and lover. Tobias then agrees to go to Peru to look for the people whom he joined on a murderous raiding party. The scars of war remain as does fear.
Meine keine Familie 2012
Meine keine Familie 2012
1h 33m | Documentary, Biography | Release date: April 19, 2013 (Austria)
Communal property, free sexuality, dissolution of the nuclear family – these were the basic principles of the Friedrichshof, the largest commune in Europe founded by the Viennese Actionist Otto Muehl at the beginning of the 1970’s. In my fathers, my mother and me the director Paul-Julien Robert, who was born into this commune, embarks on a personal journey into his past. Including archive material made public for the first time in this film, the director confronts himself and his mother with the question ‘What is family?’.
Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America 2023
Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America 2023
1h 34m | Documentary, Crime | Release date: September 6, 2023 (United States)
Survivors, whistle-blowers and experts recount the Boy Scouts of America’s decades long cover-up of sexual abuse cases and its heartbreaking impact.
Bruce Lee and the Outlaw 2018
Bruce Lee and the Outlaw 2018
1h 25m | Documentary | Release date: June 8, 2018 (United Kingdom)
Nicu, a young homeless boy, is adopted by Bruce Lee, the notorious “King of the Underworld” and goes to live with him in the tunnels underneath Bucharest. As Nicu grows up, he starts to realize that he is not the perfect father.
Daily Life At The Christmas Brand Homes 1952
Daily Life At The Christmas Brand Homes 1952
19m | Documentary | 1952
Film about the six Christmas mark homes in Denmark, where over 1,000 vulnerable and especially needy children are helped each year. The film opens with b/w footage of poor children in Copenhagen backyards. Then a series of everyday pictures in color from the homes Lindersvold near Præstø, Hobro, Fjordmark near Kollund, Mørkøv, Kildemose near Ølsted and Holbølls Minde near Svendborg are shown. Also b/w footage from King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid’s visit to Hobro in 1949. The year of the film is uncertain. Many of the recordings can also be seen in ‘Julemærkefilmen 1952’.
Linus der Wasserspringer – auf dem Weg zur Meisterschaft 2023
Linus der Wasserspringer – auf dem Weg zur Meisterschaft 2023
24m | Documentary | Release date: April 30, 2023 (Germany)
Linus is a water jumper, 11 years old and lives in Berlin. He is currently training for his first German Championships. Since Linus is at a special sports school, everyday training is combined with school and on some days he goes to the gymnasium instead of to school in the morning. In addition to training in the water, there is also training “on dry land”.