Some new features and new info from

Some new features and new info from

Dear folks,

I’ve made a new info website about where you can check my website status (if you cannot reach). Please bookmark this link:

As you noticed, I’m using a new image host because the had some issue. I hope this new host is working better and if anyone has some issue with it, don’t hesitate to write me.

I was extremely busy this summer but now I have more time to change some old movies to new and better quality. Please check the comment section every day.

I’m thinking about a new category but before I would like to ask your suggestion. So…here is my idea: I’m a big collector of the straight porn (legal teen boys with girls/woman). For example I’m fan of Jordi el Nino Pola and Jimmy_Michaels and many others.
If you would like to download these porn files from me I can upload it. But the question is: where should I upload? I can use this website or I can make a new domain for it.
Please send to me your suggestion here via comment or write mail for me.

And finally: I’m working on a big big new project but that is let is surprise, yet. Of course boyhood themed, but not similar as boyhoodmovies. I will ask some “older” boyhoodmovies visitor for the beta testing 🙂

So…comment or mail me your suggestion.

Thank you so much!

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40 Responses to Some new features and new info from

  1. Paul says:

    So I’ve been visiting this page for so long, I really like it, please keep this
    I’m also a fan of Jordi,
    post it also here on this page,
    but take a new downloader,
    Nitroflare is not top.
    Thank you for your wonderful work.

    • bhm says:

      Thanks for your reply. I’m thinking about nitroflare and I don’t know…..almost 7TB is there and there is no much other option for long time hosting.

  2. jaackov says: may work too.

  3. mikkel says:

    hello, keep up this wonderful work.

  4. Eabc says:

    May be it is just me but nitro works ok! No need to change.

  5. Dario says:

    I really like Jimmy Michaels and would love to see his vids. Don’t know Jordi, but go for it.

    My concern would be if the porn started to replace boyhood movies in the uploads. If 1 in 5 was now regular porn, that would be disappointing.

    Buuut – if we didn’t have to sacrifice the coming of age movies, then sure, upload here. There are other benefits which I will not discuss in public.

    You know that nitroflare is the least popular host on the planet. It is dishonest, expensive, has almost no free download, and is basically the shittiest possible option. HOWEVER, I have always accepted it on the understanding that their commission was the only way for YOU to anonymously make money from your hard work, and if you don’t make money, there’s no incentive to keep uploading.

    Changing hosts would be a great idea, but I don’t know the backend issues invoved in choosing a replacement. I’d look at cost of membership, handling fee, and how long files stay uploaded.

    Put me down as potential beta tester please.

    The independent service notification is a great idea.

    Whatever you decide, thanks for the movies so far. Your work is appreciated.

  6. Down says:

    Hey how about an actual suggestion page instead of digging through comments? Possibly an option for contributing /recommending movies to you? Possibly a once a month free movies to those that cant afford nitro, but who wants to take part of this community? I mean I’m on a habit of compressing the larger file-sized movies to a more manageable version, maybe I could send them to you once in a while to help those people? Thanks. You’re doing a great job providing us with diff movies.

  7. James Konton says:

    This is an excellent website. I’ve been visiting for so long. Would like to see straight-related themes

  8. Mike Young says:

    i love your site, thats good your gonna finally and hopefully re-up ones that are down, i love jordi also, i think you should just add them on here you already have porn on here so might as well keep it all together. keep nitroflare i have had no problem with the site or do i mind paying the small fee i know users whine and complain because they want everything for free. but there not paying to run a site either, i also run a gay website and it costs money and if they wont pay for nitroflare charge them per movie just an idea.

  9. Pk says:

    I think you should use Nitro to that way it’s easier but if you do use another way email me the link

  10. ckc says:

    I have no problems with nitroflare and i have just resubscribed so I hope you keep using Nitroflare.

  11. Thomas says:

    I am not interesting in straight porn, but I have no problem with it on this web. Maybe, it would be better, if will be in special section. There is Topboyhoodmovies, Lasse Nielsen movies,… so next would be Straight porn, Gay porn, etc.
    I had just one problem with Nitro, about money, they were totally haughty. Otherwise no problem, so I would like to stay on Nitro.

  12. Malcolm says:

    Firstly, I don’t have a problem with nitroflare & yes I pay for fast download. Great site. Maybe add a separate tab for porn ie gay/BI/straight (Nica Noella, Antonio Da Silva, Noel Alejandro) Then more adult mainstream like Nocturnal Enemy and An Endless Night (Ovidie).
    I see a film and want to watch more from the director. Could searching be easier ie link the name? Overall, I love your site. A constant surprise. Well done.

  13. John says:

    This is one of the best sites on the internet. I love the work you do. Without you I would never have seen many of the wonderful films you post. Thank you so much for enriching my life.
    Also, like many others here, I have no problem with Nitroflare.

  14. Don Komro says:

    Hey, I just LOVE your website; been a user for years.
    Please do add another category (Str8/Bi/Polyamourous).
    And include some MMF videos – so sexy! Many of us do enjoy all forms of eroticism.
    And please continue with NitroFlare – it works really well.
    Finally, I would happy to do some Beta testing with the Jordi, Jimmy type films. Looking forward to it.
    Thanks for your work! Don in Minneapolis, MN USA

  15. olfboy says:

    call me for the beta testing

  16. Master says:

    I would prefer a separate domain for 18 and above movies. After all this is a website for boyhood movies. Boyhood ends at 18 in my mind, though the media play fast and loose with the term ‘boy’. To have adult type porn does not sit right for me on this site as there are many other sites that serve that purpose. Don’t need the duplication.

    Nitrofile is fine for me and considering the number of movies I’ve downloaded for the fee involved it works out very economical. Some files are very large and it would be very time consuming to download for free at a slower speed.

  17. jaackov says:

    The best solution to share large media files for free is to create a Telegram channel and upload your media to it. It’s free and there’s no expiration time for the media files. It supports files up to 2GB and you may split larger files in smaller parts. After Telegram, using sites similar to Nitro and paying for it is nonsense.

  18. Orion4 says:

    Thanks for asking. From a downloader POV, Nitroflare is just fine. I became a member this year – zero problems with 100+ downloads.
    Adding a modest adult porn subset to bhm is a bonus for us, and an easier route for you– as long as boyhood strictly remains the primary mission. Yet, if 18+ becomes noticeably successful and your adult library is huge, a new domain then make perfect sense. In a nut, it’s a sweet new product test & beta opportunity too. Win-win, either way.

    Fact is, bhm is uniquely special, intelligent, a shining star like none other- well, it feels like family (have never used that word before, on the nasty internet!). Sure, be adventurous with your offerings, as long as the big picture keeps it’s charm, just like it is.

    Sure, I’d be happy to help out.

  19. Rand says:

    Thanks for your hard work, I found so many recommendations here, romance, mystery, gay, and your thoughts on it really help me. I might not interested to watch straight porn but I definitely will stick with your project. I also don’t have any problem with Nitroflare because it’s easier way to support you.

  20. Ernie says:

    I will beta test.

  21. SmearyToast says:

    Hey I have followed your site long long time. I just have two questions pertaining to your comments.

    1) how do we write you or email you—I see nothing listed.
    2) if I am trying to find a movie on here, that I know I have see but can’t. If you do provide information to mail you—can I describe it to you. I literally have searched using your search and looked everywhere online for 9 months off and on when I can. 😅 I would really appreciate it if I could ask you—I know you would know it if I described a scene to you. Thanks!

    PS: I agree if there is a way to have like a free movie hosting site where you wait for a movie, some of these are very rare—be nice option to have.

    Here’s my email—[email protected]

    By the way I think you have an amazing site! If you need a beta tester let me know and I would love to provide you feedback and contribute.

    Appreciate you!

    — Stephen 😉

  22. Marc says:

    I agree with others, this is a great site – thank you for continuing your excellent work!
    To add to the Nitroflare debate, I would like to add that the site is blocked by UK internet service providers. They are legally obliged to do so because of a High Court Order.
    I am in the UK and can only access Nitroflare via a VPN. Maybe replacing Nitroflare, or adding an additional service, would increase visitors from the UK? 🙂

  23. TMH says:

    Keep everything here, NitroFlare is so easy to manage and affordable. Thumbs up for Jordi!

  24. Luke Coleman says:

    Have followed this site since the beginning and have seen some great films.

    I have no problem with Nitroflare, pay the sub and get fast, reliable downloads.

    Thank you for all the films!

  25. bhm says:

    Thanks for these great comments!

  26. G says:

    I think is a great idea to share now contents… by the way, the new image hosting is not working fine…

  27. Fresco says:

    Agradezco todo lo compartido… Espero que siga mejorando y que no se vea comprometido la calidad de los videos…

  28. Sérgio says:

    Porque nao esta aparecendo mais as imagens alguemnpode me ajudar

  29. WereWolfKing says:

    Keep up the great work brother! ; Like others have said as long as it is does not take away from the these of this website it will ok.
    Also If you could change providers from NitroFlare that would be great, but i understand why you keep using it.
    Let me know if you need beta testers.

  30. Kim says:

    It would be a good idea to put a link to where viewers can legally purchase/stream some of these films, if possible if you know where. I know this is not always possible, but I say this bcause It’s nice to support these filmmakers, to respect their work so we can see more.

  31. Dario says:

    started getting a security warning on your .info site

  32. j says:

    Hi web Host.

    I like the website and do not have any problem with nitro at all, but would like to upload some movies but do not know where to do this is there a link?

  33. Jon C says:

    As a guy over the age 50 and a film fan from way back myself, I would love to BETA test for you!

  34. Orion4 says:

    A suggestion for bhm- It would be of substantial benefit if we could add an attachment or two, along with the dialog, here in the Comment section.
    Such might include- an important/revealing movie screenshot, film industry notices, news items, pdf’s, and other noteworthy images.
    This would probably take a lot of work on your part, but it might fit in with a future re-design plan of this page.
    Thanks & regards!

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