The Genesis Children 1972

The Genesis Children 1972

The Genesis Children 1972

The Genesis Children 1972
1h 25min | Drama | August 1972 (USA)


A charismatic leader and a high-spirited student group are on holiday in Italy. The surreal adventures of these friends are a free-flowing, four-part “multi-sensual symphony,” bereft of traditional story line. One national critic described the boys’ anarchic revelry as a “dream-like descent from civilization into the chaos reminiscent of Lord of the Flies.”

User review:

Judging from comments on other sites, people either love or hate this movie. I was warned that it would be crap, but I was even more enticed by the theme: A bunch of teens doing what they are best at – being beautiful.

And that was exactly what it was. There is no story whatsoever and the so called philosophical theme is just there as an alibi – its naive statements make you laugh. What’s more – the acting sucks. The Genesis Children really is a pathetic movie, by normal movie standards.

The only point with The Genesis Children is to show teenage boys naked. And God, that’s a great point! That is *radical* in today’s society. I watched the movie smiling, both at the boys’ beauty and at the fact that such a film has been made at all.

Director: Anthony Aikman
Writers: Anthony Aikman, Billy Byars
Stars: Vincent Child, Greg Hill, Peter Glawson
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: August 1972 (USA)
Filming Locations: Palinuro, Centola, Salerno, Campania, Italy

The Genesis Children 1972

The Genesis Children 1972

The Genesis Children 1972

The Genesis Children 1972

Format : Matroska
Format version : Version 4
File size : 3.77 GiB
Duration : 1 h 24 min
Overall bit rate : 6 411 kb/s

Links: iMDB | NFO | Screenshots backup

Download: Nitroflare


Slide show (The genesis children) 1280×960

Format : Matroska
Format version : Version 1
File size : 191 MiB
Duration : 4 min 48 s
Overall bit rate : 5 554 kb/s

Download: Nitroflare

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31 Responses to The Genesis Children 1972

  1. teq0x says:

    New version (best quality) added to Nitroflare and Ausfile! Enjoy!

  2. olfboy says:

    this one is classic and beautiful…

  3. PDC says:

    I can’t imagine anyone, especially critics, seeing any value to this lemon of a film; the acting is awful, the boys recite their lines like robots, there is no story as such, I bought it way back and it went straight to the the trash can, geez…

  4. Mike says:

    There was some big hairy ones swinging in the movie

  5. bhm says:

    Better copy added.

    • mikey0 says:

      Thanks and keep up the good work.

    • rixx says:

      Thanks for this one – I remember buying back in the day from AWARD FILMS on VHS! This is the best version I have seen. Kind of a guilty pleasure – so, sue me!

      PS UNRELATED: any plans to update your other site with the adult links? The last link was in Feb… Just curious.

  6. Devon McNally says:

    A long time ago I first heard about this movie and found a poor quality VHS. If only due to its controversial (especially at the time) nature, it remains a classic – not necessarily because of its storyline (and there IS one, albeit shrouded in prosaic dialogue that was probably considered profound in the era) or polarizing reactions to it, but because it got an X rating due to the nudity and ages of the boys. Depending on how one looks at it, the scenes are more in a skinnydipping context than anything and certainly could be labeled artistic, although some choose not to. What I also found fascinating was that the filmed story was essentially the making of the film itself. In the film, leaflets are posted calling for boys to take part in a story. But in real life this is exactly how they were cast. The film was shot almost as a documentary. On a side note, Salo and Tu Solo were cast in a similar fashion, using mostly local non-actors. I think it should be seen and appreciated for what it is – how it was done and presented in the public film space, as an artifact of the time, as opposed to analyzing it for its narrative content and production values. In that context I think it’s an important film.

  7. Remi says:

    Peter Glawson !!!
    What a Beauty 😉

    I have his ‘casting’ for this movie on Mega.

  8. Dirk says:

    Ich auch

  9. Anony says:

    1) I’d love to know the back story.

    2) teq0x where is the ausfile link?

  10. NICOLAS says:


  11. Jeff says:

    Peter Glawson is gay.

  12. Feanor says:

    I have read somewhere that Peter had acquired the negatives of the movie. I am interested in producing a new scan, if someone has info how to contact him

  13. narayan smith says:

    Shitty i have to get premium to download… all things considered.

  14. Guy says:

    Can I download it without premium somehow?

  15. J.D. says:

    The Genesis Children is a trippy type of movie. The plot about a group of boys who are dropped off at a beautiful Italian seaside cove to perform in a ‘play for God’ is rather loose, in that there are no instructions for what they are to do. The narrative dialog is pretentious and at times, LOL funny which I don’t think was the intent. Does the whole thing make sense? Not really but with a lot of “art movies” the writer and director’s intent is for the viewer to interpret things as they see it. Is it worth your time? Sure. Is it worth the much hyped controversy? No. The scenes that got the film an X-rating are not sexual in any sort of way, shape or form. Totally innocent and the boys look like they’re having a good time and not feeling exploited.

  16. someone says:

    ok where is a link to the movie in better quality than 360p either online or to download? the nitro link on this page is only for a 5 min slideshow, but I want the movie in a good quality. If anyone has a way to share it with me please post it or explain to me where to find it!

    • markus says:

      Here is the nitro-link 720p. Upscale I think. The movie is very old, so is very possible there is no such thing, better quality than that 720p version is.

      I have this movie in my collection and just check. That is very decent quality for 1972 movie. I have seen much worst. Opensubtitles you can find even subtitles for movie.

      So here is a link. Upper movie. Nitroflare. And I don’t think, you can find better version anywhere.

    • Wishful thinker says:

      Nah. I want it in bad quality. Seriously though this film was last distributed on DVD. That resolution is what it is and the film source is the only way you’d be able to see it in higher quality (as it could also be converted to higher resolution with the source).

      • markus says:

        It is very possible, here is that DVD-quality version. Little upscaled 720p. Picture quality is fine. File size is fine. FPS is fine. AAC 48Khz sound is fine. So, 1972 film, I don’t think better version found anywhere.

        (or buy that dvd…)

        So what is the problem. I cannot understand. Upper nitro-link. Download. That working fine.

  17. Wishful thinker says:

    Sorry Markus, I was replying to “someone”, not to your comment. By the way, I have the DVD (slideshow is on DVD). I agree, the link seems fine to me. Yes, it is for the 720p (“upscaled”) version. Wasn’t there two separate links to the film? One from the source (DVD but maybe a little compression that reduced size and quality) and the other was called the “remux”. Is the 720p the “remux”? That should be noted or the DVD version shound also be there. The 720p is ok and color pops more, however I’ve noticed video artifacts that over-paint/render some parts of the frames at times.

  18. paora says:

    Is any copy crisp and clear or is the best available a very very slightly blurred copy?
    Does upscaling and AI enhancement really do much? I tried using Hotpaw AI Enhancer on a very short clip and that took ages on my pitifully inadequate machine. The result left me wondering what the fuss over AI enhancing was all about.

  19. Thomas says:

    FAN REVIEW: What is all the controversy about this film? After all, there is no sex, no one is beaten, maimed, beheaded, or killed. After the controversy of such films like American Beauty, For a Lost Soldier or Lord of the Flies (with it’s rape scene) this film is really tame. I may have been one of the few people in America to see this movie when it had its theatrical run in 1971 (I was bored and dosed off a couple of times). Even Variety reviewed the film at that time calling it an “Art house offering”. I guess it’s the nudity? But other films offer more nudity, so it could only be the male nudity that upsets many. It’s ironic because there are two themes to this film. One theme is, that “you are not truly free unless you take your clothes off” (or, you are not close to God unless you return to the garden of Eden – Producer, and writer Billy Byars was a life-long nudist). But the theme that delights me more is, “are we on earth for God’s folly?” Is God watching from above and laughing at our expense? Maybe that’s the real message Billy Byers wanted to say, he and God are laughing at our silly concern over a bunch of boys running around nude on the beach.
    Review by tomvinyl

  20. BitBoy says:

    I have a movie to recommend this website, how can I send it?

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