The Summer House 2014

The Summer House 2014

The Summer House 2014

The Summer House 2014
Das Sommerhaus (origina title)
1h 35min | Drama | 15 April 2014 (Germany)


A haunting portrait of a well-established German family living on the outskirts of Berlin in their ideal world, but are slowly shaken by external influences.

User review:

A particularly German film with at times astonishingly vivid sex scenes that seem out of place in a mainstream picture. A few cuts could well have ensured a much better film, however the scenes with Markus and his partner’s son Johannes are sublime. There’s a fair bit of ambiguity (who is really influencing who) but I found this a plus rather than a negative; a lot is down to the sheer quality of the script and production values. Hollywood this isn’t. I thoroughly recommend it.

Director: Curtis Burz
Writer: Curtis Burz
Stars: Sten Jacobs, Anna Altmann, Jaspar Fuld
Language: German | English
Release Date: 15 April 2014 (Germany)
Also Known As: The Summer House
Filming Locations: Berlin, Germany

The Summer House 2014 The Summer House 2014

The Summer House 2014 The Summer House 2014

boyhoodmovies boyhoodmovies


image host

Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID : mp42 (mp42/mp41/isom/avc1)
File size : 3.00 GiB
Duration : 1 h 40 min
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
Overall bit rate : 4 263 kb/s

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24 Responses to The Summer House 2014

  1. Zach says:

    unfortunately this file only can be donwloaded by a premium access, is it posible to watch it on line? please. thank you. I’d love to watch this story.

  2. Felix says:

    Hi, i like your blog. Would you mind reuploading this movie?

  3. wishus says:

    is it possible to do an upload to a different host so i avoide needing an account? Or possibly recode a second lower quality file size that is less then 1gb. Nitroflare is a horrible uploader.

  4. pooriya says:

    ohhhh HOOOT i do anything for this boy!!!! thanks

  5. Ster says:

    When the guy told the boy to take his shirt off, he should have told him to take his pants down, so we could see his blond smooth tinkle!!!

    • Frantic Freak says:

      Nowaday foreign cinema are under american hysteria about youth nudity.

      • Anon says:

        And as these comments prove, this hysteria is entirely justified.

      • runnerboy says:

        Puritanical ideologies are well documented to lead to perversions. Telling someone they can’t do something tends to make that thing their focus. Can’t help it. Its the way we are wired. Its like touching the paint next to a “wet paint” sign.
        Not healthy to demonize what are natural human behaviors or desires. Most may get by with “look but don’t touch” but few will stomach “don’t look at all”.

  6. bhm says:

    Better copy added

  7. Tex says:

    Please! Is it possible to do an upload to a different host so i avoide needing an account?
    Nitroflare is a horrible uploader. Thank you!

  8. Craig says:

    Great site! I was shocked to find this one available on Amazon Prime. Good movie 🙂

  9. David Stewart says:

    It is still on Amazon Prime. I found this movie to be a very powerful film. As the reviewer said, it definitely isn’t Hollywood. The script is better than the acting. This movie redefines the term “poetic justice”!

    I highly recommend “The Summer House”.

  10. lumiere says:

    It is hot when they mention rectal blood, so you know they went all the way

    • Tommy says:

      He was lieing

    • Orion4 says:

      **SPOILER** Yes, I think the boy lied all the way. Nothing actually happened, sexually, between the two. The kid (beautiful boy- rotten to the core!) manufactured or planted all evidence of sexual activity. Sure, the older guy wanted to go all the way with him, but like any good movie, such outcome was ambiguous. Does anyone see it otherwise?

      • digi says:

        **SPOILER*** If nothing happened between them — why was the guy going to turn himself in when he knew that he could not pay the extortion?

        I totally agree; it is a bit ambiguous as to what, if anything, was done sexually, but there are enough hints:
        Like how he was acting when he is lying in the lawn chair or the conspiring tone of both of them in overnight scene.

        I think the kid’s evil streak was brought on by the fact that his advances were turned down by the daughter and that he finally figured out that his dad was getting robbed by the guy.

        Other than this altercation, there was no other signs that his personality was that of an evil manipulator… in fact, there were signs that just the opposite was true.

      • Thomas says:

        I agree, the boy was dangerous, brat. But the end was no good, it was strange movie overall.

      • me says:

        For sure the boy lied all the way, and he topped it with mentioning the “blood-thing”. He just saw the chance to press money (to save his father’s situation). This was just to increase the pressure.
        He took the chance, because he knew that Markus was interested in him. He was even willing to “do something with him” so that Markus would be more easy to blame. But Markus was wise enough to end the situation and send the boy away. I’m pretty sure that nothing had really happen between them apart from the attraction.

  11. me says:

    The boy is dangerous

  12. digi says:

    The end *was strange* — the screenwriter made sure that there would not be any loose ends… just kill off the main characters. It’s like the director got lazy all of a sudden and decided to just wrapped it up.
    The boy being a dangerous brat — pretty hard to argue against that point.

  13. Philatanus says:

    Gorgeous Boy! Great film with some fine acting.

    The Boy was absolutely delicious.

    Thanks for sharing

  14. JD says:

    Das Sommerhaus, at the 30,000 foot level, is an interesting film, but it falls apart in its execution – especially the character development and the wooden acting by most of the cast.

    The lead actor, Sten Jacobs, is pretty good in what had to have been an uncomfortable role to play due to the subject matter. He does not fit the image of the un-attractive, creepy, overweight slob often associated with gay pedophiles. Indeed he comes across like the kind of married, family guy an unsuspecting parent would have no problem allowing their son to visit. The lead actress, Anna Altman, is a beauty but her wooden performance ruins what should have been the most powerful character in the film – the tortured wife, losing her husband. The two kids in the film are obviously first-time actors so I’ll go soft on them but the director could have developed them a bit more.


    Some of the moments in the move are not believable. Like when the lead couple has their two friend over and the two friends, from out of nowhere start making out – it’s uncomfortable to watch and is almost comical because it’s so absurd. Then, when the wife stages the noose right there in the living room, with her daughter looking on and then, when the husband walks in, he just leaves his wife there and doesn’t check on his daughter? The deception of keeping the wife and daughter away while he spends all day (and then night) with the boy was also not believable. But the real WTH moment was at the end when he just up and left his wife and daughter alone with the psychopath boy who was exposing the whole thing.

    On the brighter side, the photography is very nice and the art direction too (great house, very stylish). For a low-budget movie, the team did a good job with the natural light and surroundings they had to work with.

    In closing, Das Sommerhaus is an o.k. watch but not the kind of movie you want to keep around for a second time.

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