Les Vauriens 2006

Les Vauriens 2006

Les Vauriens 2006
1h 25min | Drama | TV Movie 30 September 2006


The story of boys who were condemned to the severe reformatory regime in a French penal ‘colony’. It’s run by a former prison warden, based on ‘rehabilitattion’ trough manual labor and strict discipline. Young Reynard, a novice to crime and juvenile detention, meets horrible hardened villains and sadistic staff as well as people with some heart among fellow inmates and their supposed educators.

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Clergy 2018

Clergy 2018

Clergy 2018

Clergy 2018
Kler (original title)
2h 13min | Drama | 28 September 2018 (Poland)


Three Catholic priests meet to celebrate the anniversary of an event which could have taken their lives. Their experiences and motivations to serve as priests are extremely different, and soon each of them will have to face new challenges.

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The Club 2015

The Club 2015

The Club 2015
El Club (original title)
Not Rated | 1h 38min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | 28 May 2015 (Chile)


Four catholic priests, now excommunicated, share a secluded house in a small coastal house of Chile where they are are supposed to atone for their sins. Their quiet routine, placed under the supervision of Mother Monica, is disturbed by the coming of a fifth man. The newcomer, a pedophile, appears as a most unwelcome reminder of their own tainted lives…

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The Dark 2018

The Dark 2018

The Dark 2018
1h 35min | Horror | 26 October 2018 (USA)


An undead teenage girl befriends a blind boy that she meets in a forest she haunts and hunts in. Both have been victims of unimaginable abuse, and each finds solace in the other. There may be a chance of light at the end of their tunnel, but it will come with a body count.

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Care 2000

Care 2000

Care 2000
1h 45min | Crime, Drama | TV Movie 8 October 2000


15-year old Davey Younger is sent to Glenavon care home for boys in Wales where he is subjected to sexual abuse by two of the staff and a visiting magistrate. The adult Davey, married with children, is approached by television journalist Elaine Hughes after sympathetic councillor Tony Collins has ordered an investigation into the historic abuse but Davey is reluctant to dig up the past that he has kept from his wife. Arrests are made but Davey is convinced that any allegations against the magistrate will not be believed. However he agrees to testify against him in court, though the result is not to everybody’s advantage.

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I Know My First Name Is Steven 1989

I Know My First Name Is Steven 1989

I Know My First Name Is Steven 1989
3h | Crime, Drama


7-year old Steven Stayner is kidnapped a few days before Christmas by Kenneth Parnell. Under the belief that Parnell has been given legal custody of him, and that his family has moved away, he stays with Parnell for seven years, enduring repetitive sexual abuse the entire time. Finally, at fourteen, he returns home to his family.

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