Damon and Hunter: Doing It Together 2006
Damon and Hunter: Doing It Together 2006
46min | Documentary, Biography, Romance | 19 July 2006 (Australia)
User review:
Neither documentary nor porn, this unscripted movie falls with a thud between. Damon and Hunter are two nice but inarticulate well-hung young men who’ve done some porn and are now in a relationship. They talk to the camera about those and coming out, saying “Y’know” a lot. There is no background, just the talking heads. Occasional flashes of them having sex grow longer and longer, culminating in the full event, which is badly lit and shot and pretty much unedited (being authentic). They would have dealt with that part much better with voice-overs (at the price of de-eroticising it completely), if they were really trying to convey what it meant to them, rather than have it both ways.