Gerontophilia 2013

Gerontophilia 2013

Gerontophilia 2013

Gerontophilia 2013
Unrated | 1h 22min | Comedy, Romance | 4 July 2014 (Canada)


An eighteen-year-old boy gets a summer job in a nursing home and develops a deep emotional attachment to an old man. Discovering that the old man, along with the other patients, is being over-medicated to make him easier to manage, the boy weans the old man off his meds and helps him escape, resulting in a road trip across the country.

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Five Dances 2013

Five Dances 2013

Five Dances 2013

Five Dances 2013
TV-14 | 1h 23min | Drama, Music, Romance | 4 October 2013 (USA)


FIVE DANCES is a creatively adventurous narrative feature film set in the New York ‘downtown’ modern dance world. The story follows the rocky emotional journey of an 18-year old dancer with talent to burn, who must choose between his responsibility to his broken family in the Midwest, and forging a life and career for himself.

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Accomplices 2009

Accomplices 2009

Accomplices 2009

Accomplices 2009
Complices (original title)
1h 33min | Crime, Romance | 20 January 2010 (France)


Both detectives on a sickening murder case struggle with being alone and childless in their 40s. As they investigate the young man found beaten and strangled to death, platonic friends Karine and Herve unravel a love story between Vincent, and Rebecca a high school girl. The teenage lovers quickly plunged into the kind of amour fou the flics fear to chance for themselves. Rebecca is missing, and unknown to her, the boy was a homosexual Internet hustler. The ordinarily blasé male investigator is appalled to find that on-line dating is a world the sexy Karine knows well. Is Rebecca the killer, another victim or ?

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Stielke, Heinz, Fünfzehn 1987

Stielke, Heinz, Fünfzehn 1987

Stielke, Heinz, Fünfzehn 1987

Stielke, Heinz, Fünfzehn 1987
1h 35min | War | 12 February 1987 (East Germany)


Follows the 15-year-old, Heinz Stilke, a member of the Hitler Youth. Heinz is proud of his father, who died bravely for his fatherland, but suddenly learns that he himself is half Jewish. Heinz leaves his gymnasium and is forced to flee his classmates lest his secret be revealed.

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Head Burst 2019

Head Burst 2019

Head Burst 2019

Head Burst 2019
Kopfplatzen (original title)
1h 37min | Drama | 2 April 2020 (Germany)


Markus, a good-looking, likable and respected architect, is a paedophile. Bodies of little boys excite him. He suffers tremendously because of this inclination. He tortures himself for it and is disgusted by himself. Nevertheless, the arousal is there. And there is nothing he can do about it. He struggles the most when he is about to become sexual with a boy for the first time. That is when he senses that he will not be able to keep his desire under control for much longer. He is getting more and more isolated. Markus struggles to resist the ever-rising calls in his head to finally ‘do more’ with a boy.

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The Israeli Boys 2020

The Israeli Boys 2020

The Israeli Boys 2020

The Israeli Boys 2020
1h 41min | Drama | 7 February 2020 (USA)


An awkward coming-out in the desert, the proposal of a threesome in a Tel Aviv art gallery, a confrontation with a group of boys in a community swimming pool – Secrets, lies, surprises and more are explored in this rich selection of gay short films from Israel.

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The Acrobat 2019

The Acrobat 2019

The Acrobat 2019

The Acrobat 2019
L’acrobate (original title)
2h 14min | Drama | 2 October 2019 (Canada)


Montreal is snowed under. While the downtown cranes dance their hypnotic ballet, two strangers meet randomly in an unfinished apartment. Their chance encounter leads to a violent attraction and a dependency beyond reason. One man is a Russian-born professional acrobat whose future is jeopardized by a broken leg. The other is a buttoned-down, well groomed man of few words. Which one dominates? Which one manipulates? As it turns out, love is painful and human relations are complex.

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