La croisade 2021

La croisade 2021

La croisade 2021

La croisade 2021
1h 7m | Comedy, Sci-fi | Release date: December 22, 2021 (France)


Abel and Marianne discover that their 13-year-old son has been selling the family’s valuables to finance a secret ecological project in Africa he believes will save the planet.

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A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon 1988

A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon 1988

A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon 1988

A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon 1988
1h 30m | Comedy, Drama, Romance | Release date: February 26, 1988 (United States)


A recent high school graduate is faced with two options, either go to a business school where his father wants him to go to, or get a full time job. However he decides to defy his father and go to Hawaii. Trouble is he has no money. Along the way he comes to understand his parents and eventually bonds with his father.

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Le nouveau 2015

Le nouveau 2015

Le nouveau 2015

Le nouveau 2015
1h 21m | Comedy | Release date: December 23, 2015 (France)


Moved from Le Havre, Benoit is the new kid in a Paris school, finding it hard to make friends, as most are terrorized to avoid him by Charles’ bully gang, except two fellow outcasts: clumsy Joshua and overconfident nerd Constantin, who even runs against Charles for class representative. Swedish exchange student Johanna offers them friendship, and a shot at some popularity, but also envy, while popularity queen Astride’s gang turns on her. Benoit’s cool DJ brother Nino tries to cool-coach the kids, but the dance party at their home is largely boycotted and rendering Johanna jealous seems to backfire, even the outcast mates risk falling out.

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SpaceBoy 2021

SpaceBoy 2021

SpaceBoy 2021

SpaceBoy 2021
1h 40m | Adventure, Comedy, Family | Release date: March 31, 2021 (Luxembourg)


At only 11 years, Jim is a gifted boy passionate about space and science. Arriving in a new town with his dad, Jim has to participate in a young scientist competition with his new classmate Emma, a sensitive and discreet girl. Despite her reluctance, Jim convinces her to imitate Kittinger’s ‘Excelsior’ project (first man to reach the frontier of space in 1960) and to build secretly a real air balloon. This calling comes from his father, Graham, an astrophysicist who was meant to carry out a space mission very soon. Since Jim’s mother died, this project is very important to him. But when he discovers Graham has given up without telling him, his world falls apart. The competition turns into an obsession and Jim wants to prove unlike his father that he won’t give up. Jim pushes Emma to her limits and drags her into an adventure which is going to bring them closer.

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Le surdoué 1997

Le surdoué 1997

Le surdoué 1997

Le surdoué 1997
1h 3m | Comedy | Release date: January 20, 1997 (France)


Twelve year-old Vincent is not a child quite like the others: he has an IQ significantly higher than the average. Solitary, he spends a lot of time to reflect. Its exceptional power of analysis enables him to understand at once those who surround him. It is as well to know the discomfort that is believed between his parents. His father, a craftsman in bankruptcy, lives very badly the success of his wife, a true “wonder woman” in which everything seems to succeed. He feels deprived of his role as head of the family. Vincent learns, moreover, that he has not paid the rent for one year. He decides to fly to his help and raise the sum necessary. His school results began to decline, which exacerbates the discord between his parents.

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Le nouveau jouet 2022

Le nouveau jouet 2022

Le nouveau jouet 2022

Le nouveau jouet 2022
1h 52m | Comedy | France October 19, 2022


Samy lives happily outside the system, in the housing projects, alongside his childhood friends and his wife Jihane, who is expecting their first child. To provide for the needs of his future family – very reluctantly – he takes a job as a night watchman in a luxury goods store. Philippe Etienne is the wealthiest man in France. Cold, unfeeling, since his wife died a year ago, he has devoted himself entirely to his business. Alexandre – his only son, and heir to the entire Etienne fortune – keeps his father at arms’ length, seeking refuge in the lonely world of the spoiled child. For his birthday, Philippe opens the toy department of the store where Samy works and tells Alexandre he can take whatever he wants. Alexandre chooses Samy.

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Ninjas Down the Street 2022

Ninjas Down the Street 2022

Ninjas Down the Street 2022

Ninjas Down the Street 2022
De piraten van hiernaast: De ninja’s van de overkant (original title)
1h 32m | Action, Adventure, Family | Release date: April 20, 2022 (Netherlands)


The Pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the Ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies. While Pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and Ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The Pirates challenge the Ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village’s annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but Pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas.

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When You Finish Saving the World 2022

When You Finish Saving the World 2022

When You Finish Saving the World 2022

When You Finish Saving the World 2022
1h 28m | Comedy, Drama | Release date: January 20, 2022 (United States)


From his bedroom home studio, high school student Ziggy performs original folk rock songs for an adoring online fan base. This concept mystifies his formal and uptight mother, Evelyn, who runs a shelter for survivors of domestic abuse. While Ziggy is busy trying to impress his socially engaged classmate Lila by making his music less bubblegum and more political, Evelyn meets Angie and her teen son, Kyle, when they seek refuge at her facility. She observes a bond between the two that she’s missing with her own son, and decides to take Kyle under her wing against her better instincts. In his carefully observed, aesthetically pleasing directorial debut, Jesse Eisenberg adapts his audio project of the same name to tell the story of a mother and son who fail to understand each other’s values. With gentle humor and pitch-perfect dialogue, When You Finish Saving the World reflects a moment of internet fame and youth activism, but it also recounts the timeless tale of parents and children struggling to connect across the generational chasm that separates them.

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