Find Your Voice 2020
Re Xue He Chang Tuan (original title)
1h 36min | Drama, Music | 13 November 2020 (China)
Yan Zilang is an internationally acclaimed conductor working in the United States. After his former teacher inherits a group of problem students, Zilang returns to Hong Kong to assist with training them. Although it won’t be an easy task, Zilang is prepared to do everything he can to help the kids find their voices.
For the Time Being 2020
Tal día hizo un año (original title)
Not Rated | 1h 11min | Drama | 22 January 2020 (Germany)
Summer in Sierra Morena. The hill slopes are faded by the sun. Sand roads cross the land. Fences mark the borders of property. A dry water reservoir lays in the valley. Larissa (Melanie Straub) travels with her nine-year old twins Jon (Jon Bader) and Ole (Ole Bader) to the family finca to meet their father. Her mother-in-law Pilar (Pilar del Pino) prepares for the guests’s arrival while her younger daughter Amalia (Amalia Amián del Pino) looks after the land. When the father of the twins does not arrive as planned, the estranged family members encounter each other in this foreign, yet familiar place.
Kill Me Gently 1979
Ubij me nezno (original title)
1h 39min | Crime | 6 December 1979 (Yugoslavia)
An old house by the sea is the scene of a number of puzzling crimes and deaths. The whole complex web is, in fact, the invention of Auntie who lives in the house and translates crime stories.
Black Boy Joy 2018
Not Rated | 15min | Short, Drama | 15 February 2018 (USA)
Black Boy Joy is a twelve-minute introspective slice of life story about two generations of Black men, living within the same household, juggling the demands of raising a young son with autism. They all struggle to adapt to their new normal after the death of a loved one.
Freischwimmer 2020
20min | Short | 2 April 2020 (Germany)
Late in his life, Gustav is reminded that he never learned how to swim. When his grandson Max offers to teach him, he realizes it might already be too late for him…
Il Posto 1961
Il posto (original title)
Not Rated | 1h 33min | Drama | 12 July 1962 (Portugal)
Domenico and Antonietta are two suburban Italian youths who meet while seeking “a job for life” from a big city corporation. After a bizarre screening process made up of written exams, physical agility exercises, and interview questions such as “Do you drink to forget your troubles?” (Domenico and Antonietta are no older than 17 or 18), they land jobs in the “Technical Division” and “Typing Services” respectively. From there, Domenico works as an underutilized errand boy until a clerk position is vacated by the death of an older employee. Domenico finally takes his place in a room of 12 other clerks with a manager overseeing them from a desk at the head of the room. The film ends as Domenico ponders his fate, from behind his tiny desk at the back of the small windowless room, listening to the sound of the mimeograph machine as it runs off carbon copies next to the manager’s desk.
Sunflower 2005
Xiang ri kui (original title)
2h 9min | Drama, Romance | 17 August 2007 (USA)
Relationship between father and son on a background of Maoist regime in China in the mid-20th century. The father, a painter by profession, interned in a labor camp for “re-education” and loses his ability to paint. he teaches his son to draw, but does so obsessively. The convoluted relationship between father and son that spread over the period of childhood, adolescence and maturity of the son are being resolved in a surprising and sensitive way.