Sondagsbarn 2013

Sondagsbarn 2013

Sondagsbarn 2013
1h 58min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 28 August 1992 (Sweden)


The film switches back and forth between the adventures of Pu on a summer holiday in Norrland in Sweden and and the adult Pu visiting his father who lives in an old people’s home. Little Pu spends a summer in Norrland in the 1920s with all his relatives. He and his brother get to hear the story about the watchmaker who hung himself, learns to shoot with a bow and follow his father on a bicycle trip.

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My Father’s Glory 1990

My Father's Glory 1990

My Father’s Glory 1990

My Father’s Glory 1990
La gloire de mon père (original title)
1h 45min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 29 August 1990 (France)


A young boy’s life in turn-of-the-century France. Marcel, witnesses the success of his teacher father, as well as the success of his arrogant Uncle Jules. Marcel and family spend their summer vacation in a cottage in Provence, and Marcel befriends a local boy who teaches him the secrets of the hills in Provence.

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My Queen Karo 2009

My Queen Karo 2009

My Queen Karo 2009
1h 41min | Drama, Romance | 28 October 2009 (Belgium)


Nine-year-old Karo grows up with her parents in an Amsterdam commune in the Seventies. She leads a carefree existence in this utopia-for-adults. Everything is shared in the squat, but not everyone is able to honor these ideals. Karo gets confused because of the internal conflicts that start to divide the group. Karo slowly realizes that nothing can stay the same forever.

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Ruggine 2011

Ruggine 2011

Ruggine 2011
1h 49min | Drama | 2 September 2011 (Italy)


In a hot summer, the lives of the children are about to be changed forever when two girls are found raped and murdered. The children know who the suspect is but knowing that the adults will never believe them, they decide to keep quiet. When one of their friends sister disappear, they know they have to take the matter into their own hands.

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Priklyucheniya Toma Soyera i Geklberri Finna 1982

Priklyucheniya Toma Soyera i Geklberri Finna 1982

Priklyucheniya Toma Soyera i Geklberri Finna 1982
3h 45min | Adventure, Family | TV Movie 27 March 1982

User review:

It’s ironic but true – although the Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are an American classic of iconic status, it would be the old nemesis USSR to go down in history as the country of origin of their most faithful film adaptation. Almost all the story lines of the two books are told, and in a non-embellished fashion. While some may criticize its (lack of) pace, the careful storytelling makes this three hour TV-movie right especially for younger audiences. Precisely because this is not as high budget as some of the US versions, it is astonishing to watch how detailed the Mississippi towns were built in the Soviet Union (everything had to be built from scratch)! Try this one if you love the book and don’t mind the harsh realism of the story.

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La maison des bois 1971

La maison des bois 1971

La maison des bois 1971
52min | Drama | TV Mini-Series (1971– )

User review:

Set in the French countryside during the Great War of 1914-18 Pialat’s extraordinary seven episode TV serial extends the themes of his debut feature L’Enfance Nue, the director however having much more freedom and time to explore the nature of childhood and the impact on children abandoned by their parents. The series focuses on the experiences of three children (including even Michel Tarrazon, the young star of the earlier movie) living out in the country with gamekeeper Albert and Maman Jeanne on the country estate of a Marquis. The gamekeeper and his wife have their own older children, Marcel and Marguerite, but the three boys have been sent there by their parents who have been caught up in the war, the fathers called up to the front, the mothers simply unable to look after them in the present climate.

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