Rejected 2018

Rejected 2018

Rejected 2018

Rejected 2018
Rechazados (original title)
1h 28min | Fantasy, Drama | 2018


In a future medieval world, after the collapse of our civilization, man has repeated all the same mistakes again, and installed a new system of law based on false science and superstitious beliefs. Worst of all their deviances now, is anyone who dares to consume or even touch the sweet-tasting ‘Chisa’ flower. Once caught, they are permanently banished from the village, and made to live a life of solitude and poverty. Most prone to this deviance are children – known by elders as ‘vessels for evil’ – since their natural curiosity makes them prey to temptation. Yet these rejected children, left to their own devices, free and as wild as the wind, are discovering the true power of this plant and its teachings. Its sap contain what most adult fear: a vision of the truth. They have learned so much that some villagers even accuse these children of witchcraft.

User review:

In the future, hundreds of years after the collapse of civilization, mankind has returned to a stage comparable to that of the Middle Ages. As was the case back then, archaic structures have grown up that are characterized by steep hierarchies, superstitions and hypocrisy, while scientific knowledge and enlightenment are frowned upon or simply ignored.

Behavior deviating from the norm is severely punished, especially as regards the tempting chisa plant, a small red flower that grows in the mountains. The doctrine states that their juice is the blood of the devil, and whoever tastes of their sweet juice or even touches it is outlawed. This is also because it puts the consumer in a trance that gives them a vision of true reality, which is interpreted as witchcraft.

Children, whose natural curiosity makes them susceptible to violation, are particularly affected by this moral claim. So suspicious, they are regarded as “vessels of evil” and closely guarded, and sinners have to live in a camp in the wild, where, in addition to bitter poverty, they have to make further sacrifices that serve the not necessarily noble purposes of the community

Director: Iván Noel
Writer: Iván Noel
Stars: Thiago Stampone, Ismael Stampone, Cristian Cavo
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Filming Locations: Córdoba, Argentina

Rejected 2018 Rejected 2018

Rejected 2018 Rejected 2018

Rejected 2018 Rejected 2018

Rejected 2018 Rejected 2018

Rejected 2018 Rejected 2018

boyhoodmovies boyhoodmovies

boyhoodmovies boyhoodmovies

boyhoodmovies boyhoodmovies


Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID : mp42 (isom/iso2/avc1/mp41)
File size : 3.28 GiB
Duration : 1 h 27 min
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
Overall bit rate : 5 345 kb/s

Download from Nitroflare

Please support the director (Ivan Noel) You can purchase this movie in his website! Thank you!

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23 Responses to Rejected 2018

  1. terry mueller says:

    i downloaded file it was corrupted when i used winzip to unpack the file.. Please fix

  2. Geoff says:

    Hi Terry, I downloaded the file and used WINRAR to unpack it, and there is no problem at all now with the film and with the subtitles. Please try again.

  3. James says:

    Unfortunately file is indeed corrupted

  4. Tom says:

    This file is fine if extracted with WinRAR, thanks admin for your hard work.

  5. alx says:

    your website its awesome. the only problem i see is that all your files are in nitroflare and that i need a premium acount to download ; its a shame. please provide other sources for download

  6. Jtalboyts says:

    Could you possibly add a tag for spankings?

  7. وحید says:

    hi please men help me how can free download this movie in intenet or your sits and other sits how can download or watch online?

  8. Kakapo3 says:

    Ivan Noel commited suicide yesterday
    This is his farewell letter:


    I had a friend long ago, Max Dickens, who 10 years before taking a euthanasia pill, was already happily talking about ‘getting out of this life’. He would say ‘when my money runs out, I run out’. His only great pleasure in life was travelling first class and eating in the world’s best restaurants. Without that, his life would lose what little it had to offer him. In 2008 he lost all his money in the corrupt stock market crash, and he joyfully sent me a message a few months later saying that the time had come for him. And he swollowed the pill.
    I always thought this was a great thing: when you lose what you most value in life, when you lose your very ESSENCE of who and what you are, there is really no reason to go on, just for the sake of going on.
    As my closest friends will know, I have been talking for years about the possibility of ‘going out’ at the right time, when and where I wanted. That’s because I understood that my way of being was directly against the tide of a society that is every year more intolerant, populist and toxic. I was born into the best and the worst era imaginable. And now I found my moment.
    If through poisonous people (the kind of people who surf these waves of hysteria as a ‘cure’ for their jealousy, repressions and personal failures), threaten the very future as I want it, then it’s time for me to say goodbye.
    And what would I lose sticking it out? Well, my work with kids (which has always been the essence of me, and my clearest talent), the ability to travel when and where I want in the world, and most of all my decency as a human being. Because although I am far from perfect, I am also far from evil, and I refuse to lose my decency in the service of toxic people. I really do not love life or humans enough for that.
    These things are worth noting:
    – In no way does that imply any admission of any offence on my part against anyone. On the contrary: I was never capable of hurting people, least of all the most vulnerable. Everyone who knows me well, knows that. But since today the need for populist drama is much more desired than reality, I do not trust anything anymore, and not interested in playing that absurd game.
    – I end my chapter here without depression, or sadness, or any kind of regret or bitterness, but, like Max, in a personal and logical way.
    – I love and appreciate to the last my friends who followed me until now, and from this decision of mine one should not think it was due to a lack from them. It’s just that these issues of life and ‘death’ are much deeper than terrestrial friendships themselves. We are all so much more than what we see down here.
    – Since it is NEVER a good time to die, one should be able to decide for oneself. I feel fine, like a tennis player who finishes his career after a tournament he won. Just finished by tenth budget less feature film, a documentary and a photo book. Delighted by that.
    – I am and for a very long time now been appalled and disgusted by Humanity. I feel shame of belonging to such a failed race, with its endless small and big wars, most of the times caused by envy and jealousy.
    – Is there goodness and love in the human? Well yes, of course… but it’s like saying of a very attentive and generous father that he is a ‘good father’, even though he drowns onw of his children in the family bathtub every year. This ‘love’ is no use, when it ends up like that.
    – Contempt for humanity was never stronger for me than during this era of covid hysteria, as it showed us the ugliest side of humanity, the lowest, most submissive side of people, and the abuses from so-called leaders who lie so shamelessly. The only difference between the Middle Ages and now is that we have mobile phones and ‘social’ networks to attack others more easily.
    – I am not religious, but I know there is something beyond our life here. It seems that to get there, we have to go through this failed experiment on earth. But I’m taking a shortcut thanl you very much!
    – I’m 52 years old, but I’m also 150 years old, because I’ve lived three lives in one. A full, full, full life. I travelled halfway around the world, experienced almost everything I could, helped as many people as I could in the circumstances, created artistic works that remain and are respected , taught kids the passion for music, films, traveling, cooking, recently helping out the poorest people here.
    But mostly, THERE WAS HARDLY A MOMENT IN MY LIFE THAT I WAS NOT LOVED, AND THAT I DID NOT LOVE. Even in my worst moments. I was always surrounded by the love and devotion of young and old alike. All that, incredibly, in spite of my differences, and this personality that is in TOTAL opposition to current western (pseudo) morals. That’s why I owe the best part of my life to those who were and still are my friends.
    I will drink a bottle of the best Argentine Malbec that I know (‘Nosotros’ by Susana Balbo) and give myself over to the beyond, which is where we come from, and where we all go.
    Thank you, and thank you again: to those who gave me such opportunities (my parents), my loves over the last 40 years, and my friends, and also my film fans who made me get as far as this. I am leaving without regret, and at the best of times. Thank you again.

    Yves, the Ivan

  9. markus says:

    Suicide is true. But the whole story isn’t that simple.

  10. Kakapo3 says:

    I know

  11. Rod says:

    Can you elaborate?

  12. Kakapo3 says:

    You can find some details / accusations here:
    I don’t feel like comment on this and I have no personal knowledge but the reports he gave his supportes at the time of the shooting of his last film were quite different.

    • digi says:

      Kakapo3 Thanks for sharing. What a loss.

      It is impossible to be a fan of this website/forum/library/archive without also being a fan of Ivan Noel.

      (Vuelve) 🙁

  13. markus says:

    I personally don’t know, how to relate His films anymore? Should I delete all Noel’s films or vice versa archive them?

    Maybe wait for more information specially related what happening to France.

    • Thomas says:

      Why delete? If you like his films, archive them. Rigorously. I look forward spatter of his name, exactly within meaning of Noel’s farewell letter.

  14. Master says:

    Please don’t delete as they will be lost to those who appreciate them for what they are. Alternatives to the sterotypical, limited, output we have to put up with today.

    Let them be a memorial to a director who chose not to tow the line.

  15. markus says:

    I have collected almost all Noel’s movies, Director’s cut and best quality they can get.

    They sure are different and its very sad, never been new movies again from Noel.

    And the allegations are very fuzzy. Noel’s destiny is some like a “michael jackson”. Is there any proof or is this kind of a “witch hunt”? Because He is (was) a different kind of a person? Time will show.

    Movies is very artistic and one of a kind. I hope the “price” isn’t too high. For the boys sake.

  16. Master says:

    Sadly there seems to be a trend today where boys who have had friendships with older males, as with Michael Jackson, when they are older turn against them. Innocent men finding their reputations questioned, as has happened in the UK. Sure, some adults, men and women, have taken serious advantage of children, and deserve the law’s judgement.

    Will be interesting to see what happens in the years to come with the LGBTQ+ promotion of their agenda to even the youngest of children.

    I appreciate that this isn’t really the forum for a discussion of this sort. Anybody point me in the right direction?

    It is very unlikely now that we will ever see the type of liberal films made by Noel. Natural nudity in the most innocent of circumstances in film and on TV appears to be a big no no now, unless it’s for seedy adult rated films, or programmes.

    So thank goodness for this site and long may it continue, and a big thank you to those behind it.

  17. Verdun says:

    Thank you for this proposition of an intereting feature film. But I cannot play it under the VLC download system… I could get the 9 meals from chaos that has an other system of coding – and can be read with MPC-HC that sounds more generaly used – Thank you for your good work any way 😉

  18. Naeem says:

    Download link not working
    Its says “404- page not found”

    Kindly check this

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