All Boys 2009
Poikien bisnes (original title)
1h 12min | Documentary | 2009 (Finland)
A look behind the scenes of the Czech gay porn boom. Porn producer Dan Komar, and his ex-lover/star Aaron Hawke, shown what life is like on both sides of the camera.
Who Took Johnny 2014
1h 21min | Documentary, Biography, Drama | 17 January 2014 (USA)
An examination of the infamous thirty-year-old cold case of Iowa paperboy Johnny Gosch, the first missing child to appear on a milk carton. The film focuses on Johnny’s mother, Noreen Gosch, and her relentless quest to find the truth about what happened to her son. Along the way there have been mysterious sightings, bizarre revelations, and a confrontation with a person who claims to have helped abduct Johnny.
Growing Up: A New Approach to Sex Education, No. 1 (1971)
23min | Short, Documentary | 1971 (UK)
From the impenetrably euphemistic to the breathtakingly explicit, this intriguing anthology takes us through 60 yearsof sex education in Britain from the 1910s to the 1970s.All ‘unmentionable matters’ pertaining to sex are dealt with, from the WW1 warning to soldiers about the dangers of cavorting with loose women in London’s West End, Whatsoever a Man Soweth (1917), to puberty pep-talks for girls on how to avoid pregnancy in Don’t Be Like Brenda (1973).
A La Recherche Du Paradis Perdu 1993
1h 42min | Documentary | 1 July 1998 (France)
User review:
Nudity is unsettling. Nudity fascinates. Nudity is exciting. As a matter of fact we tend to mix nakedness,sexuality, lifestyle and pleasure. Living Naked sorts out the concepts and tries to present us with the “naked truth” about naturalism. Through many testimonies, some very funny, some moving, through fascinating archive footage and a tour of the main naturist resorts in France and Germany. Living Naked explores, demystifies the taboos. Nor a voyeur, nor a proselyte, Director Robert Salis addresses the Adam or the Eve living inside of us. Just released on DVD in French, this is a unique must see feature film about naturalism.