Buenos días resistencia 2013

Buenos días resistencia 2013

Buenos días resistencia 2013
20min | Documentary, Short, Family


Very realistic, almost a morning ritual long, we observe a father getting his children up and ready for school.

User review:

One of the great sensations of the year, an official competition section at the Rotterdam Film Festival and worthy of the Best Documentary Short Film Prize at renowned festivals such as Reaches, Curtas-Vila do Conde, Adana Golden Boll or Madrid Short Film Week. “Good morning resistance” begins with David waking up three children when it is still night. They start the day with a common goal: to be on time for school.

Director: Adrián Orr
Writer: Adrián Orr
Stars: David Ransanz, Luna Ransanz, Mia Ransanz
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
Release Date: 24 January 2013 (Netherlands)


Buenos días resistencia 2013 Buenos días resistencia 2013

Buenos días resistencia 2013 Buenos días resistencia 2013

Buenos días resistencia 2013

Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID : mp42 (mp42/mp41/isom/avc1)
File size : 335 MiB
Duration : 21 min 24 s
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
Overall bit rate : 2 186 kb/s

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English subtitle

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4 Responses to Buenos días resistencia 2013

  1. Wolfy says:

    (FR) C’est un très bon film court… qui décris bien le réveil dans une famille… entre le déjeuner rituel des filles, l’érection matinale du garçon et le père qui fait tout pour que ses enfants accélèrent le pas. C’est sympathique !

    (EN) It’s a very good short film… a good description of waking up in a family… between the girls’ ritual breakfast, the boy’s morning erection and the father who does everything he can to get his children up to speed. That’s nice!

  2. Orion4 says:

    Gee whiz, this one should be renamed “Hard To Believe”. My two boys never had morning wood like that.

  3. Gerald L. Austin says:

    I just watched this and was very pleased with it. It is so true to life. The one sister accepting that it’s time to get up and dressed, while the other sister is not quite as ready to meet the day. And the view of the little brother’s erect penis was wonderful. It is good that the sisters would be familiar with what boys look like. I think that it is absolutely wonderful that this film got showings at major art events.

  4. Franz-Josef Haglauer says:

    There is another movie from the director showing the same family 4 years later: Niñato

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