Dolina miru 1956

Dolina miru 1956

Dolina miru 1956

Dolina miru 1956
1h 22m | Drama, War | Slovenia, July 23 1956


A boy of 9 and a much-younger girl lose their families in an air raid. They have heard about a valley where peace always reigns, they fancy that it’s the boy’s uncle’s house, and they set out to find it. At the same time an airplane is shot down and the Black American pilot jumped by parachute. He finds the children at a ford. There is absolutely no danger, but the girl is standing in the middle of the river, scared and crying, and neither she nor the boy dare to go forth or back. The pilot cannot abandon the children although they will reduce his chance of escaping. Both the Germans and the partisans know that the pilot had survived. Who will find him first? Several things happen in rapid succession. The children and the pilot find the uncle’s house, which has long been empty. The Germans arrive and catch the pilot. The partisans attack and liberate the pilot, who joins them. But during the fight he is soon mortally wounded and orders the children to run away. Then the house explodes. The children conclude that this was the wrong valley and decide to continue to search for the right one, the peaceful one.

User review:

Yes. Even Slovene film production was once a good one. However, a long, long time ago. Films like Na svoji zemlji (On Our Own Land), Dolina miru (Valley of Peace), Ne joci, Peter (Don’t Cry, Peter), Srecno, Kekec (Good Luck, Kekec) and Vesna were the best Slovenian cinematography had ever produced. A new wave has came out recently (Kosak, Sterk, some films of low budget production) and it gives us a hope for better days in Slovenian film, but those films made 5-15 years after WWII are still remaining the law for Slovene film-makers. Dolina miru: Simple, but yet,good story, superb act esp. John Kitzmiller and young Evelyne Wohlfeiler as Lotti. If you are interested in Slovenian film, I highly recommend you to see DOLINA MIRU!

Director: France Stiglic
Writers: France Jamnik (co-writer), Vladimir Koch (co-writer), Ivan Ribic
Stars: John Kitzmiller, Evelyne Wohlfeiler, Tugo Stiglic
Country of origin: Yugoslavia
Languages: Slovenian, German, English
Also known as: Valley of Peace

Dolina miru 1956

Dolina miru 1956

Dolina miru 1956

Format : Matroska
Format version : Version 4
File size : 8.32 GiB
Duration : 1 h 25 min
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
Overall bit rate : 13.9 Mb/s

Links: iMDB | NFO | Screenshots backup

Download: Nitroflare

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4 Responses to Dolina miru 1956

  1. Cauba says:

    Do you have rolltreppe abwärts (1990) and/or die niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1984)???

  2. rixx says:

    die niemandskinder von Camanducaia:

  3. Doug says:

    English subtitles in SRT format available at

    French subtitles in SRT format available at

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