Cache Cash 1994

Cache Cash 1994

Cache Cash 1994

Cache Cash 1994
1h 30min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 9 February 1994 (France)


Antoine, 11, is on holiday with his grandfather. One night he catches thieves hiding their booty in a pond. Antoine seizes the 40 million. But Liza, his new friend, is the daughter of one of the criminals. Both children soon face threats.

User review:

Cache Cash is a pleasant, well made film about two French Children (Aurelian Wiit and Josephine Serre) who find the loot from a bank heist. Feeling that they have been unfairly disciplined by their respective guardians, they take the money and run off to the sea shore to spend it on a good time and to release some captive lobsters from an expensive restaurant. However, they are unaware that one of the robbers, a vicious, razor wielding career criminal, is hot on their trail.

The film is charming and easy to follow despite the lack of English dubbing or subtitles. There is one positively adorable scene showing the boy, Wiit, who has angelic good looks, playing with a fawn.

The viewer should be warned, however, that this is probably not for small children. There is violence, although much of it of the slapstick variety, quick flashes of nudity (including Wiit) and one graphic if very brief sex scene.

Director: Claude Pinoteau
Writers: Guy Lagorce (novel), Guy Lagorce (screenplay)
Stars: Michel Duchaussoy, Georges Wilson, Jean-Pierre Darroussin
Country: France
Language: French
Release Date: 9 February 1994 (France)

Cache Cash 1994

Cache Cash 1994

Cache Cash 1994

Format : Matroska
Format version : Version 4
File size : 8.25 GiB
Duration : 1 h 28 min
Overall bit rate : 13.3 Mb/s

Links: iMDB | NFO | Screenshots backup

Download: Nitroflare

English subtitle

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5 Responses to Cache Cash 1994

  1. bhm says:

    Better copy added.

  2. Remi says:

    This movie is new to me.
    What a Beauty, this young boy …

    I am in love 😉

  3. rixx says:

    Am I the only one who had NO audio track on the download?

  4. Steve says:

    I have the premium and for the last few months it’s taking a day to download a movie. Whats that all about. Many times it is downloading for 12 hours and then i’m notified that there is no file despite the fact that others comment on the movie…so I know its there

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