On the Mountains 2018

On the Mountains 2018

On the Mountains 2018

On the Mountains 2018
Na hory (original title)
20min | Short, Drama | 30 May 2018 (Czech Republic)


The story of what can be done to children by ordinary web browsing. And change lives for parents… The film is part of the List project safely.

User review:

A delicate subject. Or embarassing. Or too painful to not be forbidden. The manner to use it the director , in this case, is the lead virtue of the film. Because the name can be blackmail or cyber bulying or sadistic joke or only infantile pornography. But the film is not a lesson . Only precise – delicate portrait of states. The image of pressure. And its result. A warning ? Off course. But, after its end, the lead feeling is to see in different way the silent but bitter near reality.ginning that the boy is blackmailed and not a joke, he got the end of it. This is how short warning films should appeal to a problem.

Director: Brano Holícek
Writer: Jan Vejnar
Stars: Pavla Beretová, Martin Finger, Gabriela Mícová
Country: Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Release Date: 30 May 2018 (Czech Republic)
Also Known As: On the Mountains


On the Mountains 2018 On the Mountains 2018

On the Mountains 2018 On the Mountains 2018

On the Mountains 2018 boyhoodmovies

boyhoodmovies boyhoodmovies

boyhoodmovies boyhoodmovies


Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID : mp42 (isom/iso2/avc1/mp41/mp42/3gp5)
File size : 498 MiB
Duration : 17 min 44 s
Overall bit rate : 3 921 kb/s

Download from Nitroflare

English subtitle

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15 Responses to On the Mountains 2018

  1. bhm says:

    English subtitle added

  2. California says:

    Thank you.

  3. paolo says:

    Can you fix link?

  4. Philatanus says:

    DAT AZZ!

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Why? says:

    Why so many “like” votes in comparison with all other posts? It was a good short. Sad, however. But why 1849 likes?

    • markus says:

      I think some kind of bot…

    • PaulEree says:

      Agreed…I have nothing against the short film. Totally over-liked/over-rated for some reason on this blog site. Doesn’t make sense with all the other great films here. What did

    • W says:

      It’s because this is the full short film. A whole lot of movies on here are the cut versions, which is so darn annoying. One move is really annoying because the copy has Russian people shouting over the original film dialogue, so to endure the movie, one practically has to have the volume down to 1.

      • markus says:

        Some movie file is multiple speaking languages inside of file (Rus, Eng). Russian speaking is some common, because Russia is only few “sharing” country where this kind of content isn’t banned (yet). Ofc this isn’t every file, but it is worth to check. Some files is subtitles inside too.

        VLC is very good player but you can use multiple audio tracks and subtitles modern smart tv:s too.

        So if there is better quality “Russian” file, but including also English speaking track. I download Russian file, because I can change the track and it is better picture quality.

        And you are right “cutted movie” – thing. Several times I download movie multiple times, because I suddenly notice, my collection movie actually isn’t full movie. Some movie I collect multiple version. “Original VHS-rip” and later “Bluray cutted” version. So better quality and original content.

  6. BikingViking says:

    There isn’t any “penis” in this short. No need for the tag warning. Also, no idea why someone skewed the “likes” on this post/film. Really? It’s #1 on the list? Why? With all the great films here, that is just silly.

    • markus says:

      I think that is some kind of bot or bug, making those likings. There is no another explanation for that.

    • porto says:

      I don’t know why it’s number 1 but screengrab 6 shows why the tag is needed

      • BikingViking says:

        Huh? Wouldn’t a screenshot be “censored” with a box? I’ve seen the film and see the screenshots here but disagree why the tag is needed. Not needed.

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