All Male, All Nude 2017

All Male, All Nude 2017

All Male, All Nude 2017
Documentary | 5 December 2017 (USA)


Journey into the world of male strippers at America’s only all nude gay strip club located in the heart of the Bible Belt and the unique family unit it engenders.

User review:

To me all this movie was about was BEEFCAKE. Shot in Atlanta, GA,. at an all-male strip club (“Swinging Richards”), “All Male; All Nude” doesn’t begin to touch on anything.

You are introduced to several of the dancers. Most would have you believe they are straight, but we all know better… . I applaud the men who were not ashamed of what they do, just as I would applaud any woman who is a stripper. I’ve always said that if you make your money honestly, who gives a crap HOW you make it?! Some of the strippers are big-time hits, and I can see why. Their personalities (literally) are as big as the room they dance in. One guy (whose stage name is Pierce) earned enough money to put him through medical school! However, it is almost laugh-out-loud funny to hear some of the dancers whine about being viewed as “sex objects.” Really? You dance completely nude (thrusting your junk in someone’s face) and YOU feel like a sex object?

My biggest problem, however, was I just didn’t think the movie tried to anything but scratch the surface of this business. There are plenty “documentaries” about female stripping, but this is the first one I’ve seen that delved into all nude male stripping. Barely coming in at over an hour, many of the scenes are repeated. Guess these at-peace-with-themselves strippers didn’t have near as much to say as the director thought. The ending is kind of sad, but I won’t spoil it for you here.

Unrated and contains complete frontal male nudity, sexual situations, and language. “All Male, All Nude” didn’t go anywhere near where it could have gone. This is pretty tame considering the subject matter.

Director: Gerald McCullouch
Writer: Gerald McCullouch
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 5 December 2017 (USA)

All Male, All Nude 2017 All Male, All Nude 2017

All Male, All Nude 2017 All Male, All Nude 2017

All Male, All Nude 2017 All Male, All Nude 2017

All Male, All Nude 2017

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3 Responses to All Male, All Nude 2017

  1. Ashok Kumar Kullu says:

    Nice movie

  2. Ashok Kumar Kullu says:


  3. Gerald L. Austin says:

    This was really good!!! My comments aren’t as cynical as those of the user review. I thought that most of the interviewees’ statements were interesting. There were some nice shots of Atlanta. Of course, I must be very honest that what really drew my attention were the wonderful full-frontal shots of the nude male dancers!!! Those were really nice! I wasn’t aware that such a wonderful place like this existed. Of course, there are other clubs like this, but there certainly isn’t anything like that where I live. This was definitely a good addition to your collection.

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