Kidulthood 2006

Kidulthood 2006

Kidulthood 2006
R | 1h 29min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 3 March 2006 (UK)


A day in the life of a group of troubled 15-year-olds growing up in west London.

Motion Picture Rating (MPAA)
Rated R for pervasive language, violent content, sexual material, drug and alcohol use – all involving teens

User review:

A bold and brave film, that never pulls any punches. A group of teenagers living very negative lives see the suicide, due to bullying of a school friend and the schools closure as an excuse for a day out the streets. Some of the characters are implicit in her fate, but refuse to see their culpability. Utterly selfish and shallow, many may think that these kids deserve nothing from society they abuse at every turn. Its adults who despise and are frightened by them are mere counterpoints throughout the film. An English version of KIDS but without the horrible voyeurism?? Do these kids deserve better from society? Do they a represent a threat to society itself? These kids may be horribly violent, disrespectful, but are incredibly believable. They cannot see outside the confined personal friendships and conflicts, but we are left with a genuine sense of loss and despair at the end of the film. A remarkable and striking British film

Director: Menhaj Huda
Writer: Noel Clarke
Stars: Aml Ameen, Red Madrell, Noel Clarke

Kidulthood 2006 Kidulthood 2006

Kidulthood 2006 Kidulthood 2006

Kidulthood 2006 Kidulthood 2006

Kidulthood 2006

Format : Matroska
Format version : Version 4 / Version 2
File size : 3.47 GiB
Duration : 1 h 31 min
Overall bit rate : 5 434 kb/s

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2 Responses to Kidulthood 2006

  1. Chris says:

    Brutally realistic in language and action this is an excoriating view of London street kids’ life: violence (language and action), sex (language and action), drugs, petty crime – it’s all here in the vast quantities that mirrors their every moment existence. Unless you’re a Cockney you’ll probably need the subtitles but their use will draw you into the pungent, sharp, hateful mind-set of these “kids”. It’s a bleak picture but doesn’t seem depressing for some reason because there are a few characters who although caught up in this self-destructive, angry world evince a glimmer of hope that they can somehow claw their way out of it all and reach a safer, kinder world that they know exists beyond the streets. And that’s the real message of the film. Riveting viewing especially because after the 89 minutes we can breathe a sigh of relief and go back to our comfortable lives.

  2. Frantic Freak says:

    Hi, can you fix it cause ‘ This file has been removed due to inactivity.’

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