More from the Language of Love 1970

More from the Language of Love 1970

More from the Language of Love 1970
Mera ur kärlekens språk (original title)
1h 30min | Documentary | 18 November 1970 (Sweden)


While LANGUAGE OF LOVE illustrated general sex behaviour, MORE ABOUT THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE shows minority group attitudes towards sex. As in the first film, there is an expert panel of scientist, discussing and explaining the different parts of the film. The famous

Danish sexologist couple Inge and Sten Hegeler are throughout the leading characters, while the others experts change in every sector. The headings are as follows: male and female homosexuality, aesthetics and sex, handicapped and sex, drugs and sex, pornography and sex, children and sex, and sex with old people. In the new film affliction and warmth are emphasised, particularly in the chapter showing coition between persons of the same sex. Besides when a blind girl and boy examine with their hands how a naked man and woman respectively are made, a new educational method initiated by the internationally known, Swedish sex pedagogue Maj-Brith Bergstroem-Walan. The child’s natural need of masturbation in an unsafe world is commented on, and old people’s right to a happy sex life is demonstrated. The pornography part comprises an exposing report from a sex club in Copenhagen, where fascinating “live-Show” is emphasised, and a description of how pornographic films dealing with group sex is being produced. The drugs and sex sequence is a shocking report about all human variations and the importance of tenderness, is concluded in the final chapter, presenting a blond and very attractive young girl and her dark, curly haired fiancée during passionate and richly varied intercourse.

Director: Torgny Wickman
Writers: Maj-Brith Bergström-Walan, Inge Hegeler
Stars: Inge Hegeler, Sten Hegeler, Maj-Brith Bergström-Walan

More from the Language of Love 1970 More from the Language of Love 1970

More from the Language of Love 1970 More from the Language of Love 1970

More from the Language of Love 1970 More from the Language of Love 1970

More from the Language of Love 1970 More from the Language of Love 1970

More from the Language of Love 1970

Format : Matroska
Format version : Version 2
File size : 812 MiB
Duration : 1 h 33 min
Overall bit rate : 1 217 kb/s

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2 Responses to More from the Language of Love 1970

  1. Gerald L. Austin says:

    This was an absolutely wonderful and beautiful video. The very first opening had beautiful music while the credits were shown. I call this a video, but actually parts, probably most of it were film. The Northern European countries are much more sensible about sex and nudity than the United States has ever been. This video covered a lot of different subjects, some that I wished were given a bit more time and openness, but this film was very, very good. Thank you for carrying it.

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