Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023

Lao hu li 2023
1h 52m | Drama | Release date: November 24, 2023 (Taiwan)


This family drama is about an 11-year-old boy who befriends his landlord, nicknamed Old Fox, and learns from him how to survive in a rapidly changing world as well as things his poor father would never be able to teach him.

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I am Urban 2015

I am Urban 2015

I am Urban 2015

I am Urban 2015
Urban and the Shed Crew (original title)
1h 38m | Drama | Release date: November 7, 2015 (United Kingdom)


Based on Bernard Hare’s Orwell-nominated memoir Urban and The Shed Crew. 11-year-old Urban’s been running away from care since he was 5 (6 care homes and 8 foster homes in 6 years); he’s Britain’s most runaway child…When he can’t find his mum, he sleeps rough on the streets, or in a shed with other runaways, The Shed Crew’. He’s never known a dad, just his mentally-ill addict mum Greta. So when she meets Chop, the first decent bloke they’ve ever known, Urban feels hope for the first time. For Chop, the once idealistic ex-social worker, it’s a chance of redemption. He takes in the broken family, helps Greta, teaches Urban and his brother Frank lessons in life. But the family’s new-found happiness is all too fleeting as Greta’s propensity to self-destruct proves too strong…leaving Urban to cope with the fallout the only way he knows.

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Where the Birds Cry 2023

Where the Birds Cry 2023

Where the Birds Cry 2023

Where the Birds Cry 2023
Tam, gdzie placza ptaki (original title)
15m | Short, Drama | Release date: June 14, 2023 (Poland)


Fourteen-year-old Szymon lives in a seaside village. The boy is going through one of the most turbulent stages in his life – puberty. The boy’s monotonous life is interrupted by an unexpected visit from his childhood friend. An ordinary meeting on a cliff turns into his first summer romance.

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La révolte des enfants 1992

La révolte des enfants 1992

La révolte des enfants 1992

La révolte des enfants 1992
1h 37m | Drama | Release date: April 22, 1992 (France)


In the 19th century, children — particularly the children of the poor — were considered to be an exploitable resource of docile and cheap labor. Anyone who had the effrontery to steal so much as a portion of a loaf of bread for any reason would (at the very least) go to prison, regardless of their age. However, people of conscience were beginning to protest against this situation. The story takes place in a prison for children where conditions are particularly harsh. The warden is a thick-headed martinet who demands complete compliance with the rules, or the children will be brutally dealt with. The assistant warden is a more modern man, and is appalled by the whole institution, but seeks to begin by reforming it. To that end, he has invited a journalist to come and see the conditions that prevail there, in the hopes that she will rouse public opinion against at least this one form of injustice.

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Single, Out s01 (2022)

Single, Out s01 (2022)

Single, Out s01 (2022)

Single, Out s01 (2022)
TV Series | Comedy, Drama | 2022


Following Adam’s first sexual experience, his life is changed forever. Whilst juggling his job, a passion for art and new relationships he learns to come to terms with leaving the closeted single life. Growing up that fast is a balancing act between trying to keep everyone else happy and being true to himself. Being single was easy. Being out is hard.

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Dik Trom 2010

Dik Trom 2010

Dik Trom 2010

Dik Trom 2010
1h 25m | Family | Release date: November 24, 2010 (Netherlands)


Fat adolescent Dik Trom enjoys growing up in a hedonistic town devoted to food and fun. When a restaurant chain offers his father the life-long-dreamed opportunity to run his own, the Trom family moves. Their new home town Dunhoven is however inhabited by health freaks who prefer only fitness to dietary sobriety.

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Lost 2023

Lost 2023

Lost 2023

Lost 2023
27m | Short, Adventure | Release date: April 21, 2023 (United States)


Quan, a 12-year-old boy scout, and his younger brother Hoang escape from their home into the forest and go the stream their dreams. As he goes deeper into the woods, Quan realizes a truth about his younger brother that he cannot accept.

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Ronja Rövardotter 2024 (s01)

Ronja Rövardotter 2024

Ronja Rövardotter 2024

Ronja Rövardotter 2024 (s01)
TV Series | Adventure, Drama, Family | 2024


Ronja tells the tale of a ten-year-old girl born on a stormy night in a mountain fort, surrounded by her parents and a loving band of robbers. Ronja grows to be a strong and active girl, and discovers that the forest is both a beautiful and frightening place inhabited by strange creatures. She befriends the son of her father’s rival and so begins the drama of her friendship and family loyalties.

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